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1 min read

Craig Cooke




"My name is Craig Cooke and I define myself, I believe through a number of factors on how I explore life. I'm a CEO of a company called Rhythm, a digital marketing agency I co-founded about 22 years ago. I am also a family man; a father of two. My first real experience with fitness was probably when I was 12 years old, with a friend of mine, we started lifting weights and we kind of did that off and on for a few years, and then when I was 17, I started studying Chinese kung fu and I was pretty heavy into that for about 7 years; it really got me into great shape. Since I started my company at 25,

I got so focused and obsessive and absorbed into that, my fitness just kind of died.

I met Tyler Mounce through a mutual friend of ours, and he was talking about Stark. So we met for coffee, and what really peaked my interest, was the whole integrative approach. When I actually took a tour of the facility, I was really intrigued by the set up and the whole integrative team approach so I said 'Yeah sign me up, let's give it a shot.'

Stark has been really awesome, it's actually gone beyond what I expected. The different people that are here, and how they actually talk to each other about you as an individual and your health and fitness and all the different things that are going on. Everyone talks, and I can tell, it makes a big difference. It's totally unique, it's been great. I've lost about 20 pounds,  and I'm extremely pleased."

The Inspirational Story Behind David Lacey

We meet all types of people at Stark, many of whom are motivated to achieve optimal health and wellbeing. But few are as inspiring as this guy.

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CEO Todd Vande Hei: From Dad Bod to Fit at Fifty

CEO Todd Vande Hei: From Dad Bod to Fit at Fifty

Here's I got rid of the dad bod.

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