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1 min read

Why Choose Fats For Breakfast

Why Choose Fats For Breakfast

We have all heard the saying that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but have you ever considered the impact of your breakfast choices on the pace of your entire day? Say you're loading up on high-fiber cereals, a whole grain bagel, or perhaps blending up a delicious fruit smoothie with toast to kickstart your morning. While these choices aren't necessarily wrong, they may not feed your brain the way you'd hope.

Why Fats

Beginning your day by consuming healthy fats can provide unparalleled benefits. These fats don't just awaken your entire body - they stimulate your brain too! A breakfast rich in beneficial fats triggers the ideal brain chemicals to get your day moving productively. This nutritious start can enhance the production of crucial neurotransmitters like dopamine and acetylcholine, keeping your body alert and energetic for hours on end.

Cereal or breads might give you an immediate burst of alertness, but it's usually followed by a significant dip in blood sugar levels. And let's not even dive into the sketchy added ingredients, high sugar content, and questionable preservatives in most of these shelf-stable products. Embracing good fats in your breakfast can help you sidestep such sugar spikes and enjoy the manifold benefits associated with fat consumption.


Avoiding that spike in blood sugar is one of “fat consumption’s” many benefits.


What To Eat Instead

Preparing nutritious fat sources is usually a breeze, and many are ready-to-consume - perfect for anyone leading a fast-paced life. Not only do these fats support the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, D, and K, but they are present in a wide variety of foods such as:

  • Avocados
  • Seeds
  • Picual Oil
  • Nuts and nut butters (including Walnut, Cashew, and Almond)
  • Coconut Oil



To get your day off to an even better start, consider including Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in your breakfast. MCTs are a special kind of dietary fat that offer numerous health and weight-loss benefits. Unlike most fats, MCT oil behaves more like a carbohydrate when metabolized, providing an instant energy boost and enhancing your diet and workout results. Since MCTs are water-soluble, they travel straight to your liver upon ingestion, triggering fat-burning omega's. This means it can immediately fuel your body while promoting gut and thyroid health.


So, it's time to reassess your breakfast table. Discard those "breakfast" breads and cereals and embrace the power of good fats first thing in the morning!


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