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It's Time to Address That "Old Injury" - Here's Why

Written by Stark | May 26, 2024 12:14:00 AM

Injuries are an unfortunate part of life. Whether it's a twisted ankle from a sports mishap, a back strain from lifting something heavy, or a wrist injury from repetitive work, many people have experienced an "old injury" that seems to linger for years. If this sounds familiar, you're not alone. But why do we so often delay seeking professional help? Let's explore the reasons and understand why it's crucial to address these nagging pains.

1. Address the Initial Cause

Many people experience injuries that continue to ache or hurt for years after because the root cause has never been fully addressed. This can lead to ongoing tightness, inflammation, and pain. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, the injury can become a chronic issue, impacting your quality of life. Think of it this way: if under-actitivated glutes lead to a knee injury, surgery on your knee will not reduce the strain placed on your knee due to overcompensting for your glutes. Addressing the root cause of pain is also helpful in preventing re-injury as well.

Why It Matters:

  • Continuing Pain: Unresolved injuries can cause persistent discomfort.
  • Inflammation: Ongoing inflammation can lead to further complications.
  • Muscle Tightness: This can limit mobility and create additional strain on other body parts.


2. The Danger of Ignoring It

Old injuries can resurface due to various reasons, including the body's natural healing process, aging, and lifestyle changes. Scar tissue, improper healing, and compensatory movements can all contribute to the persistence of an old injury, and neglecting these issues can have serious consequences. Chronic pain, limited mobility, and further damage are just a few of the risks. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away; in fact, it can make things worse.

Potential Risks:

  • Chronic Pain: If an injury doesn't heal correctly, it can lead to chronic issues and persistent pain.
  • Limited Mobility: Scar tissue can reduced movement and limit mobility.
  • Further Damage: Ignored injuries can lead to more severe problems down the line. Over time, your body may adapt to the injury in ways that create new problems.


3. Benefits of Seeking Help

Seeking professional advice and treatment can have a profoundly positive impact. Specialists like Stark's neuromuscular therapists offer a variety of modalities such as Active Release Techniques (ART), Electromagnetic Therapy (EMT), and more. These treatments can provide pain relief, improved function, and prevent future injuries.

Positive Impacts:

  • Pain Relief: Professional treatments can stimulate proper healing, and significantly reduce or eliminate pain.
  • Improved Function: Regain mobility and strength in the affected area.
  • Prevention: Addressing the core issue now can prevent future injuries and complications in the future.


It's time to take your persistent pain seriously. Ignoring an old injury won't make it disappear; it only allows the problem to worsen over time. By seeking the necessary professional advice and treatment, you can find relief, improve your functionality, and enhance your overall quality of life. Don't let that old injury hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards healing today!