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Mental Well-Being (3)

2 min read

Healthcare vs Sickcare

In the labyrinth of our current healthcare system, individuals often find themselves entangled in a web of complexity. This system, more often than...

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January 1 circled on the calendar

2 min read

Why Your Goals Shouldn't Wait Until the New Year

In the whirlwind of holiday festivities, it's easy to push health goals to the back burner, promising to address them once the calendar flips to...

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A hand holds two pills, one has a happy face drawn on and the other is a sad face

3 min read

What You Should Know Before Starting SSRIs

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs, have become a cornerstone in the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. These medications,...

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a person in an apron holding a roasted turkey on a platter

3 min read

3 Tips to Staying on Track Over the Holidays

With special events, parties, family gatherings, and travel plans, the holidays can throw off your regular routines and make it especially...

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Suds covered feet in a bath tub

2 min read

Your Guide to Self-Care

Life can be incredibly stressful and demanding at times, and without taking intentional steps to look after our own wellbeing, we can quickly become...

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a map with

4 min read

Series Review: Blue Zones

If you haven't heard about the trending series Blue Zones on Netflix yet, you are bound to soon enough. Blue Zones, a term coined by National...

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3 min read

Control Your Breath, Control Your Life

90% of individuals suffer from dysfunctional breathing. Breathing is taken for granted because it is an automatic function that does not require...

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2 min read

Understanding the Science & Benefits of Meditation

Meditation has been used for thousands of years as a tool for spiritual growth and inner peace. In recent years, however, it has gained widespread...

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2 min read

Practice This Skill Before Setting a New Years Resolution

With New Year’s resolutions on the horizon, it is important to start off the year strong. Many people make resolutions to themselves like “I will...

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