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Orthopedic Health (3)

2 min read

Remove & Rehydrate: How to Eat (& Drink) for Better Joint Health

When it comes to taking care of our joints, many of us prioritize exercise and mobility work. However, there is another way to support joint health...

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2 min read

The Missing Piece in Your Body Composition Puzzle

Maintaining a healthy body composition, which refers to the proportion of fat, muscle, and bone in the body, can lead to a range of short-term and...

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2 min read

Do Chiropractic Adjustments Really Improve Endocrine Function?

For years there has been debate over the effects that chiropractic adjustments might have on our endocrine system. Could it be true that hormones are...

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2 min read

Sleep Your Way to Healthier Soft Tissues

Do you know that feeling of soreness and stiffness after an intense workout? That's your body telling you it needs rest and recovery. But did you...

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2 min read

How EMT Could Supercharge Your Strength Gains

By now hopefully you have been told that strength training is not just about looking good, it's also crucial for building a solid foundation of...

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2 min read

Why Ankle Mobility Matters More Than You Think

Do your ankles feel stiff after a long day, are your knees sore after a long walk, or maybe just going up the stairs has become increasingly tough?...

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1 min read

Debunking 3 Common Chiropractic Myths

Chiropractors can provide effective relief without harmfully affecting your body's natural balance, and although it is regulated throughout the US...

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1 min read

Stretching is About More Than Flexibility

As human beings, we are made up of two-thirds water. The water content in our bodies can vary greatly depending on our age, with babies having as...

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2 min read

Tips From A Personal Trainer: Warming Up Properly is a Must

If you looking to get the most out of your workout, then you need to be sure you are warming up effectively. It is important for everyone—from...

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2 min read

Roll Your Plantar Fascia: Why, When, & How

The plantar fascia is a thick fibrous band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot from your heel to your toes. It helps to...

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