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Understanding the Wheel of Health: Stark's Comprehensive Approach to Well-Being

Understanding the Wheel of Health: Stark's Comprehensive Approach to Well-Being

At Stark, we believe that true health encompasses far more than just physical fitness. It's about achieving a harmonious balance across all aspects of your well-being. This is where our Wheel of Health comes into play.

Let's dive into what the Wheel of Health is, how it works, and how we use it to guide you on your journey to optimal health and well-being.

  1. What is the Wheel of Health?
  2. How the Wheel of Health Works
  3. How Stark Uses the Wheel of Health
  4. The Spokes of the Wheel
  5. Engaging with the Wheel of Health
  6. The Goal of the Wheel of Health
  7. Why We Share the Wheel of Health

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What is the Wheel of Health?

The Wheel of Health is Stark’s unique methodology for addressing every component of health. We’ve identified ten key aspects that, together, form a comprehensive view of well-being. These ten spokes cover every dimension of health, providing objective measures for achieving optimal wellness. The Wheel of Health isn’t just a concept; it’s a visual map that helps you understand how interconnected your health and lifestyle truly are.

How the Wheel of Health Works

The Wheel of Health is designed with a specific sequence in mind, where each spoke affects those adjacent to it. This interconnectedness means that when one aspect is out of balance, it can influence the others. Our approach prioritizes the lowest perceived spoke and progresses from there, ensuring that each step you take builds a stronger foundation for the next.

How Stark Uses the Wheel of Health

At Stark, we use the Wheel of Health as a guiding framework across all our services. While no single service can optimize the entire wheel on its own, our team of specialists collaborates, using technology such as a DEXA scan, to address each spoke effectively. Currently, the Wheel serves primarily as a conceptual tool to help you understand the interconnectedness of various health components. We're working to finalizing the official scale and measurements for each section, but it’s already a valuable reference for visualizing your health journey. See how Todd uses the Wheel of Health in our Health is a Skill podcast episode 1: Health Expert Reveals How He Got Into The Best Shape Of His Life

The Spokes of the Wheel: A Closer Look

Each spoke on the Wheel of Health represents a critical area of well-being. From hormone balance that could cause male pattern baldness, deep sleep, or to stress management, every aspect is interconnected. For instance, if your hormones are dysregulated, it will negatively impact your recovery, stress levels, and ability to build strength. By addressing the lowest spoke first, we create a cascading effect that elevates your overall health.Wheel of Health

There are 10 spokes to the Wheel of Health. The sequence is intentional and should remain unchanged, as each spoke influences the ones next to it. Rather than following a strict hierarchy, we focus on the spoke with the lowest perceived strength and build from there.

  1. Orthopedic Health
  2. Mental Well-Being
  3. Body Composition
  4. Cardiovascular Health
  5. Strength
  6. Hormones
  7. Sleep, Stress, & Recovery
  8. Detoxification
  9. Gut Health
  10. Nutrition

Engaging with the Wheel of Health

When you join Stark, our health coaches introduce you to the Wheel of Health, explaining each spoke and its significance. We discuss how your current state in each area, such as replenishing electrolytes, influences your overall well-being and identify which spokes need the most attention. This personalized approach ensures that we tailor our guidance to your unique needs, helping you make meaningful progress.

The Goal of the Wheel of Health

The primary goal of the Wheel of Health is to provide a visual and conceptual map of achieving optimal health. It also aims to highlight the interconnectedness of various health components, emphasizing that true fitness goes beyond physical appearance. We want to shift the common perception that fitness equals health and show that it’s about achieving balance and harmony across all facets of your life.

Why We Share the Wheel of Health

We created the Wheel of Health to offer potential clients a clear and comprehensive view of Stark’s approach to health. By familiarizing yourself with this concept, you can better understand how our integrated approach can help you achieve your wellness goals. We believe that by sharing the Wheel of Health, we can foster a broader understanding of what true health entails.

The Wheel of Health is a powerful tool that encapsulates Stark’s philosophy and approach to well-being. It’s not just about individual components; it’s about how they all work together to create a vibrant, healthy life.

Get started with Stark and let the Wheel of Health guide you on your journey to optimal wellness.

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stark logo mark.png 576x576Stark exists to change the future of health and fitness and the communities we serve. At Stark, we make a difference by offering Functional Medicine, Health Coaching, Personal Training and Neuromuscular Therapy.


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