The 360° Blog

Prepare to Unleash Your Strength as Stark Naked 2024 Approaches

Written by Stark | May 2, 2024 12:06:45 PM

Stark Naked returns in 2024, pushing the boundaries of ultimate wellness. Mark your calendars!

What is Stark Naked?

For those immersed in the realm of health, hydration, and fitness, Stark Naked signifies far more than a competition. It symbolizes a testament to discipline, perseverance and a celebration of the human body in its peak form.

Because we’re in the business of transforming bodies, our team was in continual debate as to whose was most fit. One of our coaches suggested we let “the people” decide, thus “Stark Naked™,” was born (a literal translation of Stark people mostly naked😂).

We wanted to ensure that the competition wasn't just of vanity, but that it also must have a community connection. Stark Naked raises money for local charities, including CASA, Miracles for Kids, and The Autism Community in Action (TACA). 100% of the funds raised goes to our community!

How does the competition work?

Stark Naked epitomizes the culmination of rigorous training, unwavering dedication, and relentless commitment to self-improvement. Participants, having undergone the rigorous Stark Health program, are poised to unveil their transformed physiques, embodying the very essence of vitality and resilience.

The Stark Health program includes the following:

After the competition and voting has commenced, we celebrate each year with - what else but a big party!


See the contestants from past Stark Naked below.

How does voting work and who can vote?

In the month of May, our participants wrap up their year with the final Stark photoshoot. On June 20th, our participants' competition photos are unveiled and voting starts.

Anyone is welcome to vote. Here are the things we look for in our next Stark Naked winner.

  • Who has had a transformative journey from the beginning of the competition to the end
  • Which photo stands out- whether it be their pose, the composition, or personality shining through
  • The overall physique of each competitor and what they achieved!

How can I join Stark Naked in 2025?

Stark Health welcomes individuals of all backgrounds and fitness levels to embark on their own journey towards optimal health and well-being. To participate in the competition, it's simple - become a part of the Stark family. Contact us today!

Stay tuned for more updates and exclusive content of our remarkable participants.